How Covid-19 may affect your ISO management systems
The last eight months has seen unprecedented changes throughout working practices, many of which could have affected your management systems without you actually realising it, we go through the most popular systems and how they could have been affected:
ISO 9001 – Quality Management
- Are you able to provide your service remotely?
- Do you have financial stability compared to your competitors?
- Could your sales increase due to the pandemic (disinfectant, face mask suppliers for example)
The risks to your business may have changed, have you thought about:
Economic recession
- Clients not being able to pay
- Reduced demand for your goods or services
- Increased costs due to Covid-19 prevention measures
- Information security risks due to remote working
- Insufficient IT resources for employees working from home
ISO 14001 – Environmental Management
- Reduced environmental impacts due to reductions in commuting and travel
Increased risks related to this environmental standard could be:
- Increased use of disinfectants and chemicals
- Your environmental investment suspended or delayed
- Increased waste due to PPE or chemical packaging
ISO 45001 – Occupational Health & Safety
- Introducing home working to the business
- Reducing seasonal flu sickness rates as employees follow improved hygiene routines
- Employee health, reduced number of staff
- Delayed response time from emergency services in the case of an accident
- Increased handwashing could increase risk of skin conditions
- Contractors may be difficult to organise such as legionella testing etc.
ISO 27001 – Information Security
- Raise awareness to staff of cyber attacks and to stay vigilant
- Increased awareness within the business of information security
- With many employees working from home, are their systems protected against threats and vulnerabilities
- Scam emails or apps related to Covid-19 in order to gain confidential security information
- Ensure suppliers are protected and have suitable polices and procedures in place to manage risks
We’ve chosen the most popular ISO standards for our review. However, if you would like assistance with any other standard or need advice or guidance, please get in touch with us today on 0333 456 5000.
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