Compliant’s ISO 14001 certification guide

In this article we provide a detailed ISO 14001 certification guide. ISO 14001 is one of our most popular standards alongside ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and ISO 45001. We support businesses in getting started with ISO 14001 by helping them to review what documentation they already have in place and setting up a bespoke management system that is audit proof. The management systems that we create are developed from a combination of company documentation and templates that we have created. Clients approaching Compliant for support with ISO 14001 frequently ask:

  1. What is ISO 14001?

ISO 14001 is part of the ISO 14000 family of international standards which provide guidelines for organisations looking to manage their environmental impact.

Becoming ISO 14001 certified supports businesses in designing and implementing an environmental management system. This popular certification’s framework measures and improves the way organisations use and dispose of natural resources.

  1. Would my business be suitable for ISO 14001?

ISO 14001 is applicable to organisations of any size and in any industry. Implementing ISO 14001 certification shows stakeholders your commitment to the environment. Compliant have supported a range of businesses across various industries in getting started with ISO 14001. No business is too small to make an impact on the environment.

If you are wondering whether ISO 14001 is the right certification for your business reach out to our team and we will provide more information including a FREE quote.

  1. Can I implement ISO 14001 alongside other ISO certifications?

Yes, we call this an integrated management system. An integrated management system combines all aspects of an organisation’s systems, processes, and standards. Implementing ISO 14001 alongside standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 45001 allows for a much more streamlined approach and can be a cost-effective way of becoming certified.

Our ‘integrated management system’ article explores the benefits of implementing more than one standard at one time and how Compliant can help you on your journey. View the full article here.

  1. What does ISO 14001 certification cost?

It can be difficult to calculate exact certification costs, however we can anticipate some of them.

The cost of certification is significantly influenced by the size and complexity of a business. Costs are related to:

  • The number of premises that your business has
  • The number of employees that your business has
  • The scope of your business
  • What is the cost of implementing ISO 14001?

It’s worth remembering that implementing ISO 14001 can result in business efficiencies and cost savings. Businesses list savings in costs associated with legal compliance, materials utilisation and reduced legal costs.

By implementing ISO 14001, you can also reduce the price of environmental management.

If you want to find out how much implementing ISO 14001 with Compliant will cost your business check out our FREE quote calculator here today.

  1. How long will it take to become ISO 14001 certified?

We can support businesses in obtaining ISO 14001 certification in just 14 days. However, to allow time for discussions, installation, and customising the management system to each organisation, we advise an initial 6-week timeframe.

Following this, we conduct a stage 1 audit with one of the certification bodies that we work with. We recommend using a certification body that offers UKAS-accredited certifications. Our clients are guaranteed to be completely prepared for stage 2 audits which always take place within three months of the stage 1 audit.

We can pass cost savings from our partnerships with certifying bodies directly onto our clients.

  1. How is my ISO 14001 certification maintained day to day?

We offer monthly payment options which ensure you have dedicated support from Compliant all year round. Our ongoing support takes the stress out of ISO management, so you have the time to get on with your day job. Your certifications are maintained and updated in time for your surveillance audits with reliable advice available throughout the year. To discover more about our ongoing support package visit our dedicated webpage here.

What is ISO 14001 certification

ISO 14001 certification guide; should I invest in an environmental management system?

Having an environmental management system in place is a great asset for any business. ISO 14001 certification shows that you and your company are dedicated to lessening the environmental effect of your operations.

We have helped a range of businesses to become ISO 14001 certified in various industries, including RLSS, Ardmore Craig, Plastiserve and Applications Assist. Check out our case studies for our reviews.

Achieving ISO 14001 certification provides a clear framework for implementing sustainable practices while being broad enough to help enterprises in any industry or sector.

To discover more about ISO 14001 and whether it is right for your business visit a past article of ours ‘What is ISO 14001 certification?’ here.

Benefits of implementing ISO 14001

There are countless benefits in implementing any ISO certification. Here as part of our ISO 14001 certification guide, we have reviewed some of the benefits of getting started with ISO 14001:

  1. Gives your business a competitive edge:

Having ISO 14001 in place can enable your business to take advantage of expanding markets and explore international commercial opportunities. We have helped businesses to implement ISO 14001 to ensure they are ready to complete tender submissions and enable them to access public frameworks. Check out our ‘how to win contracts with ISO certification’ article.

  1. Improves stakeholder trust:

Operating more environmentally friendly is a hot topic at the minute. More and more companies are switching to sustainable practices in accordance with stakeholder preferences as the climate situation declines. Obtaining ISO 14001 certification shows your active dedication to business and social responsibility.

Compliant provide a proven Aspects and Impacts tracker that shows that your business has given serious thought to how its operations affect the environment and what mitigating actions can be made to make improvements.

  1. Improves legal compliance:

Compliant provide a legal register that is reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis. This document provides evidence that your business has considered and is adhering to all of the environmental legislation applicable to its operations.

By offering a methodical approach to satisfying existing and identifying future laws, becoming ISO 14001 certified enables you to understand your compliance duties in connection to the most recent environmental legislation and other requirements. By staying informed about your legal obligations, you lower your risk of being prosecuted and receiving negative press for environmental violations.

  1. Showcases ongoing development:

Adding the ISO 14001 framework to your business is a continuous process that keeps environmental considerations at the forefront of all that you do. Clients who opt for ongoing support with Compliant are assured of the reviewing and updating of all documentation ahead of audits and surveillances.

  1. Ensures waste minimisation:

Implementing ISO 14001 ensures optimisation of your environmental operations. This helps you identify and reduce waste by emphasising more appropriate renewable energy sources and energy-saving techniques that produce a more sustainable, effective organisation. You could save more money by using less.

  1. Offers financial savings:

Naturally, increased efficiency results in lower operating expenses for your company. Less tax, cheaper energy and insurance costs, and lower operational costs are a few financial advantages.

These are just some of the benefits of getting started with ISO 14001. We are here to help and guide you through the process including highlighting any benefits that are specifically applicable to your business and your industry. Give us a call today t find out more.

ISO 14001 certification guide

ISO 14001 certification guide; why considering your impact on the environment is so important?

As previously mentioned, monitoring and controlling your environmental impact is of huge importance in today’s current climate.

The environment of any sector is ever-changing. Important changes that will have a long-lasting impact on the compliance requirements of organisations of all sizes and industries are brought about by the adoption of the most recent ISO 14001 version in 2015.

Your management system must adapt to these changes. Changes in regulatory requirements, shifting stakeholder needs, and legal compliance are all things to take into account. Our document portfolio reviews each of these areas and we can provide an audit proof stakeholder analysis, legal register and opportunities, risks and objectives matrix for your business.

ISO 14001 certification guide; environmental management systems for SMEs

ISO 14001 offers numerous advantages for small and medium-sized businesses including:

  • Increase efficiencies; this involves cutting waste and raising productivity to better a company’s total financial performance. This can be demonstrated by a KPI tracker which we provide.
  • Satisfy statutory and regulatory prerequisites; ISO 14001 can be used to show compliance with environmental laws. As previously discussed our legal register lists all of the environmental laws that could be applicable to your organisation’s operations.
  • Secure new business; such as contracts and tenders where ISO 14001 is a prerequisite. We can support businesses across a range of industries in creating appropriate paperwork and using evidence from their ISO pack to access new frameworks and meet criteria for tendered work.
  • Integrate environmental thinking into a company’s operations; ISO 14001 may help employees, managers, and suppliers stay on track while putting environmental considerations at the centre of corporate planning and strategy. It is worth considering the benefits of implementing an integrated management system; the combination of ISO 9001 alongside 14001 is our most popular product.

ISO 14001 certification guide; getting started

The process of becoming ISO 14001 certified necessitates preparation and execution. For some businesses this might require additional resources that are not available. We take the stress away by managing the entire process for our clients including liaising directly with certification bodies and arranging audits. We are also available to auditors during audits and can answer any questions that they might have.

Here is a quick rundown of Compliant’s ISO 14001 certification procedure.

  • Review and understand the specifications of ISO 14001 with the client including what evidence might be required to meet each clause within the standard.
  • Analyse the present state of the organisation.
  • Request and utilise any documentation from the organisation that is suitable for audit.
  • Create the additional client paperwork required for ISO 14001 certification.
  • Create a framework for an efficient environmental management and build a bespoke management system.
  • Liaise with the chosen certifying body to arrange audits.
  • Ensure the organisation is ready for the ISO 14001 audit, including premises if a site visit is required.
  • Oversee the ISO 14001 audit process on behalf of the organisation.

We ensure clients have everything that they need to have a successful audit and carry out a follow up case study to promote client success.

Implementing ISO 14001 with Compliant

We understand that planning for ISO 14001 can be a daunting task. That is where we come in. We get started by helping you to analyse the current situation of your organisation.

While identifying areas that require improvement, we review and make recommendations on the current environmental implications of your organisation.

Compliant’s procedure includes compiling information and carrying out an environmental GAP analysis. This will assist in locating areas of non-compliance as well as any possible concerns that require attention.

Together we will create an action plan to address any recognised areas including RAG systems where appropriate. Our opportunities, risks and objectives tracker highlights goals and objectives along with plans for reaching them and actions to mitigate risks that could hold your business back.

Documents must be thorough and comprise each component of the ISO 14001 standard. All of the templates provided by Compliant directly address a clause within the standard. We will guide you through your bespoke pack and help you to understand which documents support certain areas of your business.

Our packs include processes, audit programmes, management reviews, a stakeholder analysis, a legal register, a SWOT analysis, a PESTLER, a RACI, a training matrix, a vendor management template, an aspects and impacts register, internal audit templates and a non conformity log.

When getting started we recommend familiarising yourself with ISO 14001 goals and determining the main gaps in the requirements ahead of your initial GAP analysis with Compliant.

If you would like more information on how to get ISO 14001 certified, we’d be happy to arrange a call to talk about your options. Alternatively, if you would like a quotation at any point just fill in our FREE quote calculator.

We hope you have enjoyed our ISO 14001 certification guide.